Saturday • March 29th • 9:30AM
After 10 years of collecting, curating, and repurposing, Stargazers is making space for an exciting new chapter. To do that, Stargazers is liquidating a wide selection of inventory with a LIVE AUCTION you won't want to miss! Come for the finds, stay for the fun — you never know what you might uncover. Whether you're a collector, DIYer, reseller, or just love a good treasure hunt, this auction is for you! Mark your calendar and bring a friend — see you at the sale!
Items: 15Gal Red Wing, Small Wing; #5 Water Cooler; 3 Gal. Salt Glazed; #5 USA Pottery; #6 Western Stoneware; #6 Blue Band Stoneware; (2) 15Gal Red Wing, Large Wing; (2) 3Gal Red Wing; #3 Western Stoneware; #2 Salt Glaze; Several Small Crocks, Bowls, Bean Pots, and Shoulder Jugs; Brown Drip Stoneware; Vintage toys; Antique Fans; Coleman Lanterns; Wooden Box Crates; Homemade Crafts; Tools; Workbenches; Antique Hot Dog Warmer made by Conservo; Arkansaw, WI Milk Can; Wood Shelving; Metal Shelving; Armoires; Sewing Machines and Bases; Dressers; End Tables; Plant Stands; Ice Cream Parlor Bar Stools; Marble Top Tables; Vintage Lamps; Old Wood Doors; Hoosier Cabinets; Glider Rockers; Ornate Hall Tables; Antique Rockers; Metal Storage Cabinets; Mirrors; Columbia 2-Person Bike; Jack Daniels Whiskey Barrels; Egg Crates; Bee Boxes; Bowls; Pitchers; Cookie Jars; Copper Fire Extinguishers; Galvanized Décor; Collectible Barbies; Old License Plates; Tempur-Pedic Queen Bed w/ frame and mattress, 2 years old; Coca- Cola Collectibles; Apple Bushel Baskets; Dress Forms; Vintage Collectible Tins; Amber Lamp; Vinyl Records; File Cabinets; Drop Leaf Tables; Buffet/ Display Cabinets; Steel Wagon Wheels; Milk Cans; Wooden Snow Shoes; Metal Vintage Guper Sofa; Earnhardt Collectibles; Coca- Cola Belt Driven Cooler/ Working; Vintage Two Man Saws; Vintage Steamer Trunks; Barrel Stools; Stained Glass Window and Art; RR Light; Butter Churn; Glassware; Drinkware sets; Blue Mason Jars. This is only a partial listing — there's much more to discover!
TERMS: 10% Buyers Fee. Cash, check, or credit/debit card (UP TO $500 TOTAL PURCHASE) may be used for payment. There is a 4% admin fee for credit/debit card purchases. WI 5.5% sales tax will be collected. All items being offered for sale are sold “as is, where is” with no warranty or guarantee. Identification is required to register for a bidder’s number. All items must be settled for the day of the auction. Announcements made on sale day take precedence over printed material. Listing is subject to change before the auction. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS.
SALE CONDUCTED BY: ProCountry Auction Service (715) 495-0814, Registered Wisconsin Auction Company # 280, Mondovi, WI. AUCTIONEERS: Scott Werlein (715) 495-6131 Registered WI Auctioneers # 178.
This BIDDER CONTRACT entered into between the Bidder whose name is signed and the auctioneers. Bidder agrees that the terms listed below shall govern this auction and he/she agrees with them. Additional terms may be posted or announced from the auction block which are just as binding as the terms below.
1. FULL PAYMENT: All items must be paid for in full before Bidder leaves the premises. Nothing may be removed until is is settled for. Payment for the purchases must be made by cash, cashier's check, personal check, or business check if announced by the Auctioneers. Letters of Credit or Guarantee must be for this auction only, along with proof of identity. All sales are subject to State Sales Tax laws. Bidder agrees not to stop payment on checks or disallow a sight draft and is responsible for any expenses due to collection of a bad check. In the event of nonpayment of a bad check, the Auctioneers reserve the right to repossess, at any time, at your location, the merchandise involved.
2. NO WARRANTY: ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS, WITHOUT GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND. The descriptions of items appearing in adverstising prior to this auction are believed to be correct. Nevertheless, neither those descriptions nor any oral statements made by the Owner (or his agents) or the Auctioneers (or his agents) concerning any item shall be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. I, the Bidder, have examined this merchandise and accept it the way it is.
3. DISPUTES: The Auctioneers shall designate the winning bidder after each item is auctioned. If a dispute arises between two or more bidders, the Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen the bidding. The Auctioneers' designation of a Buyer is final.
4. BUYER'S REPONSIBILITY: After a Bidder has won the bid, they have become the new owner of this item, even though they may not have paid for the item yet. The item(s) become the full and sole responsibility of the Buyer at this point and the buyer assumes all risk of loss and damage.
5. INJURY AND DAMAGE: Bidder acknowledges responsibility for any personal injury or property damage caused by the Bidder or his agent, and further agrees to hold Auctioneers harmless from any personal injury to himself or his Agents and any property damage incurred on auction premises.
6. AGENTS ONLY: The Auctioneers are action as the Owner Agents only.